2. Business Economics

Title: MBA Course Curriculum for Business Economics


In today’s competitive business environment, understanding the economic forces that shape industries and affect decision-making is crucial for successful business management. This essay aims to outline a comprehensive course curriculum for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program in Business Economics. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to analyze economic factors, make informed business decisions, and navigate the complexities of the global economy.

  1. Name of Course: MBA in Business Economics

  2. Objective of the Course:

The primary objective of the MBA course in Business Economics is to equip students with a strong foundation in economic principles and their application in a business context. The course aims to provide students with analytical tools to identify and evaluate market opportunities, predict industry trends, and make informed strategic decisions that drive organizational growth and sustainability.

  1. Course Summary by Section:

3.1. Microeconomics:

This section introduces students to the fundamental principles of microeconomics, focusing on the behavior of individual consumers, firms, and markets. Topics covered include supply and demand analysis, market structures, elasticity, consumer behavior, and production theory.

3.2. Macroeconomics:

This section examines the overall functioning of the economy by analyzing aggregate variables such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, unemployment, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and international trade. Students gain insights into how macroeconomic factors impact business operations and decision-making.

3.3. Managerial Economics:

Managerial economics encompasses the application of economic theory and data analysis in decision-making at the firm level. This section explores cost and revenue analysis, pricing strategies, market structure analysis, and demand forecasting. Students learn to apply economic principles to optimize business decisions and achieve organizational goals.

3.4. Applied Econometrics:

This section focuses on the practical application of statistical methods and econometric techniques used in analyzing business and economic data. Students learn to interpret and analyze data, estimate economic relationships, and make reliable forecasts.

3.5. International Ec

In this section, students explore the dynamics of international trade and finance. Topics include theories of trade, trade policy, foreign exchange markets, balance of payments, and global economic integration. Understanding international economics is crucial for businesses operating in a globalized marketplace.

  1. Duration of Course: 12-18 months

  2. Mode of Studies: ODL (Open and Distance Learning) and Campus Classroom

  1. Frequency: The course will be offered three times a year, with intakes in January, April, and September.


The MBA course in Business Economics offers a robust curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, providing students with a holistic understanding of economic principles in a business context. By completing this course, students will develop the skills and expertise necessary to make informed business decisions in a complex and ever-changing economic landscape. The curriculum’s comprehensive coverage of microeconomics, macroeconomics, managerial economics, applied econometrics, and international economics ensures that students acquire a strong foundation in both theoretical concepts and analytical tools. This MBA program in Business Economics aims to produce competent business leaders capable of thriving in today’s globalized marketplace. 

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